This time I'll share a bit about the free domain, probably had a lot of friends who use these domains, because the way the list is quite easy and free of course. Here are the steps to register domain free and setting its domain;

1. Please go to

2. Please enter the domain name we want to "register a domain name".

3. Click "GO", when the name is already taken you will be notified that the domain name is already taken, fill in the name of the other.

3. Once the domain name is accepted, we will be treated to the domain registration form should we fill.


4. Setting for "Use your new domain" as follows;

a. Select "Use DNS"
b. Select the tab "Your own DNS"
c. Fill out the "server name" with the hosting ns suppose that we have: and
d. If we do not have hosting or do we not setting the ns on the hosting, then we can use traditional name servers belong to google for a while, google name server is:

5. On the "Registration length", please select how many months we will regrestrasi. Default 3 months, because if the domain within 3 months were not visited by at least 25 visitors, then the domain will be disabled by the system.

6. Enter chapca the "Type the characters you see in this picture" underneath.

7. Click on "Sing Up"

8. Choose a login with the account we have like facebook, google, yahoo, windowslive, aol, Flickr, Hyves, myopenID, orkut, wordpress, Salesforce and other personal email. (For more convenience, use a personal email to register)

9. Once we give access configure accounts that we have, then the domain registration has been completed up to here.

10. Please log in with an account that we used before, or use a personal email.

11. If we already have hosting, we change the server name setting, in accordance with our hosting server name.